Cotiza tu website
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
What services/product does your business or organization serve/sell?
Who are your target clients/audience?
Do you wish to redesign a preexistent website or do you want to design a new one? If you already have a website please provide us the link/url.
If you already have a website, (*Note that if you have a preexistent domain, you are opting or soliciting a redesign service instead)
I want to have a new domain.
I want to keep an existing domain.
What is your website’s main goal? What do you seek to accomplish with your website?
Do you have any reference website(s)? What do you like about these sites? Please provide links/urls if possible.
What pages does your website need?
Contact Us
About Us
News & Events
Selling Products
Others (specify below)
What other functionalities will your website need? Be as specific as possible.
Booking System
Logo Design or Redesign
Online Store (e-commerce)
Others (specify below)
If you selected “Online Store (e-commerce)” in the last question, ¿How many products would you like to sell/display?
1 - 5 products
6 - 15 products
16 or more products (specify below)
Specify how many products
Do you have or will you have the content (images/videos, written content, etc) ready for when we begin the website redesign draft for your new website? (*Note that if you do not provide the content at the agreed time y and you do not choose the content creation service, the website’s content will be left in its default state)
Yes, I will have it ready by then.
No, I require content creation services.
In terms of your brand,
I have a preexistent logo.
I have a brand book that covers details such as colors and typography.
Do you need help updating and maintaining your website? (*Note that we use a system that requires constant maintenance and updates. If you decide to update/edit/manage the website on your own, our company completely dissociates itself from the maintenance work.)
Yes, I need help.
No, I can learn.
No, someone else will maintain it.
Where are you located? (needed for payment processing fees and such).
If you were referred by someone please write the name below.